Why God Must Be at the Center of Our Quest for Identity

Growing up, I didn’t spend a lot of time thinking about my identity. I didn’t sit at home and ponder why I was the way I was. I didn’t spend much time contemplating my decisions or trying to be a certain way. I was just me. For the most part, I really liked who I was. 

But as an adult, I began to process my identity more and more. Why did I act a certain way? Why did people say hurtful things about me? Why did that situation bother me so much? Why was I the way I was? What was my identity?

For as long as I can remember, I have been taught, as a Christian, my identity is in Christ. I am a daughter of the King. If I put my identity in anything else, it won’t last. But what does that really mean? How do I know if my identity is really in Christ? 

Identity is an interesting concept. It is this crazy mix of what others believe about us and what we believe about ourselves. I might think I’m organized and strong-willed, but someone else might look at those same qualities and think I am controlling and bossy. Maybe you think you are peaceful and a good delegator, but someone else might look at those same qualities and think you don’t care or you are lazy. So what’s the truth?

Finish reading this post on Crowned Chics here.



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