When She Doesn’t Have to Wait
God has this funny way of putting a dream in people’s hearts and then asking them to wait. That’s not normally how I roll. If I have an idea, I want to get started on it right away. I don’t like to wait.
I was 16 when God placed the dream and calling of ministry on my heart. That was 22 years ago! TWENTY-TWO! More than half of my life was spent waiting for this dream to happen. Sure, over the last two decades I’ve seen little glimpses of this dream coming true, but nothing that satisfies the yearning deep inside.
There have been many moments of disappointment. Times when I was sure the door I was waiting for was finally opening, only to have it slammed shut right in front of me! Could this really be God’s plan? Did I hear Him wrong? Maybe He had changed His mind and decided to use someone else instead…
Finish reading this post on Crowned Chics here.